CDS at the registrar level

Setting up DNSSEC is an often tedious task, and recently (ok March 2017 but that’s recent for an internet standard), a method to automate the setup of the records needed to delegate a DNSSCE zone boundary has been devised. I’d like to present what we think is a first in the domains sector, using it at the registrar level.

How does it work?

At it’s core it’s quite simple, the child (your DNS server) publishes a record that looks like this:

website.example. 3600 IN CDS 45224 13 2 8A7BD58EF0CFA7FFD3813B28A288C69DE9D38D3B5FE71816E82AE26AF0615165

And after some checks and a bit of waiting the parent (the TLD operator) will publish the coresponding record:

website.example. 3600 IN DS 45224 13 2 8A7BD58EF0CFA7FFD3813B28A288C69DE9D38D3B5FE71816E82AE26AF0615165

These are pretty much identical, but one is the responsibility of the child and is never used to verify the legitimacy of the zone, whilst the other held by the parent is what’s actually used to verify the zone. It’s the need to insert all the DS records into the parent that makes DNSSEC tedious to deploy, and what CDS solves.

What are we doing?

A select few TLDs are already implementing CDS. The one’s we know of are;

Not much is it? So, we’ve decided to implement CDS at the registrar level and insert the DS records into the parent on your behalf. This means any domain, no matter it’s TLD, can make use of CDS to setup DNSSEC if its registered with us. As far as we’re aware we’re the first registrar to offer such a service, although some others have expressed interest in the past, but never implemented it.

How do I use this?

We have a docs page on this, giving the more technical details of what’s required by you to setup DNSSEC with CDS. Feel free to contact me if it’s not clear enough.

Q 🧙‍♀️
Witch in Chief

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