What is registry lock?

Your domain name is vital to your business. Most businesses simply cannot operate without their domain name. Its only natural to want to protect this most vital business asset. Registry lock is a solution for that.

Domains can be lost in one of two major ways; forgetting to renew, or domain hijacking. The former can be solved by making sure to enable auto-renew for domains (Glauca does by default, so no need to worry there). The latter is a more complicated problem to solve, as a domain can be stolen in many ways.

One basic (and free) way to help secure your domain is to set a transfer lock on it. This will automatically reject any requests to transfer a domain out, but it won’t save you from a malicious employee, or a socially engineered support agent from changing your NS records to point somewhere else. This is where registry lock comes in, a layer of security and peace of mind, implemented outside the normal ways to update a domain.

What does registry lock do?

Put simply registry lock ensures that absolutely no changes can be made to your domain without first unlocking it.

When you want to make changes to your domain you’ll need to login with your SSO account and then authenticate again with the WebAuthN key specific for that domain. You’ll then be able to unlock your domain for updates for the next 24 hours, or lock it back once you’re done.

When a domain is locked with registry lock updates can’t be performed by anyone, including us or the registry. You can be sure your domain will stay exactly how you left it.

How do we ensure this security?

When registry lock is first setup you’ll register a set of WebAuthN keys that are allowed to control registry lock for the domain. These would usually be given to high level trusted people or for maximum security locked in a safe.

Once an authenticated request is received, it’s passed onto a trusted high level person in Glauca, who will contact the registry directly to request the domain be unlocked. This happens out of band of our normal automated systems to ensure an unlikely compromise of those won’t affect your domain security. This manual processing can result in a request to (un)lock a domain taking a few hours to process.

Why even bother with all this?

Great question! If you don’t see the value in oll of this that’s fine. Registry lock is great for business critical websites, but maybe not quite ideal for your little personal blog.

In the end it’s a matter of weighing up how much a lost domain would cost you vs the cost of implementing registry lock.

Where do I sign up?

Registry lock isn’t currently generally available with Glauca, but we’d be interested to hear from you if you’d like to use it. More information on what TLDs are supported is available in our docs.

Fill out the form below to express your interest;

Q 🧙‍♀️
Witch in Chief

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